参考引文里面的方法,我的主要办法是删除/var/lib/apt/lists/下面的东西,除了partial这个目录,如果不行的话,就把/private/ect/apt/sources.list.d拷贝多一份(例如变成/private/ect/apt/sources.list.d.bak目录),然后清空里面的sources.list.d目录下面的所有list文件,再将备份目录中的list文件逐个加回去,然后用命令行apt-get update进行更新,之后进入Cydia看看会不会崩溃,如果会就是当前加的这个list文件搞得鬼。其实Cydia出问题大部分都是因为加的源有问题导致的,这些个list文件里面的源有问题(例如今晚的crash就是因为Zodttd.list这个文件出现了问题,狠狠地干掉了)。
[FIX] Cydia Problems? LOOK HERE!
Due to the overabundance of threads on cydia crashing, I have decided to create one large source for fixes.
If you have a problem that is not on the list then please post here, do not create a new topic.
If you have a solution to a problem that is not listed here, send me a PM and I will update this list.You will need to know how to SSH into your device, if you are having wifi issues the get iPhoneBrower here: http://code.google.com/p/iphonebrowser/downloads/list
If you installed both Cydia and Icy while jailbreaking and Cydia crashes, the only solution is to rejailbreak.
This is a problem with the jailbreaking program and there is no other fix.
If you have problems with the apt-get command not being found, download the apt-get file here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ekubav
Then SSH it to /usr/bin/ and the command should work.Due to the recent virus many people have changed their root password.
If this is the case just substitute your new password wherever it says alpine.
Identify the Problem:This is probably a good place to start … follow the steps to see if you can determine the problem with your Cydia:
1) Open Terminal on the device or through SSH.
2) Type the following:su
apt-get update3) Read the error message.
Sometimes just running the update command will fix the issue!
Cydia Crash on Load:
1) SSH into your device.
2) Navigate to the /var/lib/apt/lists/ folder.
3) Delete everything EXCEPT the partial folder.
4) Reboot.Another possible fix is to SSH into root/private/ect/apt/sources.list.d and remove all entries except saurik.list.
This will delete all your manually added repos. (Thanks to neyzcorp for this fix)Cydia Won’t Add a Repo:
There are very few possible explanations, here are a few:
1) The repo is down, check the forums for more information.
2) You typed it wrong, many people forget to put the / at the end of a repo url.
3) You aren’t connect to a network … pretty self explanatory.Source Error:
A common error message would be Bzip2 error or the fact that a source is not functioning correctly.
If you cannot remove the source from Cydia or the problem persists, try this:
1) SSH into your device.
2) Navigate to the /etc/apt/ folder.
3) Backup the cydia.list OR sources.list.d file.
4) Edit the cydia.list OR sources.list.d file with a text editor and remove the entry related to the problematic source.
5) Reboot.
Crash After “Reloading Data”:If Cydia is crashing after the Reloading Data message then try this:
(If you don’t have terminal installed, use terminal through SSH)1) Open Mobile Terminal/Terminal via SSH.
2) Type: su
dpkg –configure -a3) Reboot.
I am unsure that this is a valid fix but if you try it let me know the outcome please.
Package Header Error:If on startup, Cydia says there’s an error with package headers do the following to fix it.
1) Open terminal and type:su
dpkg –a configure2) Respring just to make sure it reloads the data.
July 18th Error:On July 18th, a corrupt package was posted. There was a 10 minute window where anyone who loaded Cydia would experience problems.
If you think you are having this problem please follow this link:http://www.xsellize.com/showthread.p…cydia+crashing
Icon is not Visible:
If your Cydia icon disappeared after you installed a new package and restarting doesn’t get it back, follow these steps:
1) SSH into /applications/cydia.app
2) Copy the icon.png to your computer.
3) Delete icon.png from the device
4) Respring and a basic, white icon will appear for Cydia.
5) Copy the icon.png back to /applications/cydia.app
6) Respring and the normal icon should be there.
Cyder:Cyder is a progam for your computer that downloads and transfers packages/sources to your device.
It also has other useful feature which may fix problems such as clearing the cache.
To get it go here: http://www.xsellize.com/showthread.p…ighlight=cyderDownload here: http://www.mediafire.com/?myzmjnog3cz
Reinstall Cydia:
If you can’t find a fix for the problem and you really want it fixed, then try reinstalling Cydia.
1) Open Terminal on your device or through SSH
2) Type the following commands:su
apt-get remove cydia
apt-get install cydia3) Reboot
Another method of reinstalling Cydia is:
1) Download http://www.2shared.com/file/6858425/…3e/Cydia.html?
2) SSH the package to /var/mobile on your device.
3) Open Terminal and type the following:su
dpkg -i cydia.deb4) Reboot (twice sometimes)
If none of the above worked then you will be forced to rejailbreak … there is no other way!